

They are a tribe of hunters charged with the preservation of the Kyr. They are led by the higher families within the tribe. Each family is charged with a designation serving to preserve the people or the cattle.

They are heavily superstitious and practice native magic and blessings and have based every aspect of their culture on accessing more powerful spells.

Their young are trained from very early on to one day take over a job from the older generations. The more essential the job, the more prosperity their family will have.

Their clothing is richly made from the cattle and the native resources found at the bottom of the mountain, they waste nothing and .

They have brutal laws against killing (particularly of the herd) and stealing. The accused are offered up to the Devoid of the Red Wood and are never seen again. They believe they are taken and turned into a Ghast and doomed to wander the mountain.




The name Okahn Is derived from Mōcana – मोचन a Nepali word meaning ‘liberation’ and ‘redemption’. The village is built using mainly the red bark trees surrounding the settlement. Each individual building is carved and decorated with unique superstitious heraldry with historic meanings that echo stories from past generations

Every building presents runes that are specific to each family, they are bound together using ancient woven fabrics. This symbolises the oath taken centuries ago to rebuild the lifeblood of the mountain.

Within the redwood is an elusive portal. What is within?

Kala will have to find out.