He is the main ‘antagonist’ in Kala’s story.

His clothes hold many similarities to the current style of Kala’s tribe suggesting he is the newest spirit to join the Devoid. He has huge black hoofed feet and the carvings within his skin glow with a red pulse. The reds in his robes are slightly faded and worn.

He is the most frequently spotted Ghast and has had many encounters with Luka – prompting the catlike creature to seek a willing member of the Sikari to aid him in eradicating the Devoid for good.

Kala has often seen him on the edge of the forest and speculated at the intentions of silent watchers. Uta himself is hostile to any Sikari who try to approach, this has led to growing hostility between the tribe and the Devoid.

He is bound to the duties of keeping the forest but he is unique in his tendencies to rebel against his spectral brothers and directly interact with people of the Sikari.

Through this story he works to stop Kala from going through the gate and is willing to jeopardise the rocky peace of the land to stop her.